The Lu Group (Professor Lu Lu, Department of Statistics and Data Science) has been awarded a new $4 Million grant from the US Department of Energy’s Advanced Scientific Computing Research Program (DOE ASCR) as the Lead to develop physics-informed and energy-aware federated learning of neural multi-operator learners as scientific foundation models, in collaboration with Leandros Tassiulas (Yale), Zecheng Zhang (Florida State), Yuanyuan Shi (UCSD), Youzuo Lin (UNC-Chapel Hill), Xiaoming Sun (LANL), James Benedict (LANL), David Alumbaugh (LBNL), and Evan Um (LBNL). To read more about their DOE award, click here: https://www.energy.gov/science/articles/department-energy-announces-68-million-funding-artificial-intelligence-scientific
In addition to this new DOE grant, Lu was recently awarded another grant from the National Science Foundation Division of Mathematical Sciences (NSF DMS) as the Lead to understand genomic organization in the nucleus via machine learning (https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=2347833), in collaboration with Vivek Shenoy (Shenoy Research Group, University of Pennsylvania Engineering). He has also just received a generous gift from Factory Mutual Insurance Company to develop scientific machine learning models for simulating fire.