Professor Elisa Celis’ research is on the manifestation of social and economic biases in our lives via the algorithms that encode and perpetuate them. She recently joined the ranks of TEDx presenters, where she discusses the importance and impact of the AI we develop and use. Her talk, “Should You Trust What AI Says?” delves into the main motivation for her work – AI that is designed to serve all of us, in fact, excludes most of us. She talks about why this happens, what can be fixed, whether that is enough, and what role we all play in making sure we stand to gain from AI technology.
TEDx Talk: “Should You Trust What AI Says?” https://www.ted.com/talks/should_you_trust_what_ai_says
TEDx programs are an extension of TED (Technology, Entertainment, and Design), a non-profit organization with the motto “Ideas Worth Spreading.” Elisa’s TEDx talk was part of the TEDx Providence event (https://www.tedxprovidence.com/), which had a theme of “Advance” and was held at The VETS in Providence, RI on Oct 5, 2019.